2007劉士仙; Liu, Shih-sien; Yang, Chia-Chi; Lai, Chnag-Wei, Analysis of Subjective Congestion Index and its Transferability, , 14th World Congress on ITS, Beijing, , 2007-10-01-
2007劉士仙; Liu, Shih-sien; Yang, Chia-Chi, Design Experiments of Detector Density Layout on Travel Information of Arterials, , 14th World Congress on ITS, Beijing, , 2007-10-01-
2007劉士仙; Liu, Shih-sien; Yang, Chia-Chi, Dynamic Travel Time Forecasting on Signalized Arterials with incomplete Detector Data, , 14th World Congress, Beijing, , 2007-10-01-
2005邱顯明; 劉士仙; 張勝雄; Chang, Sheng-hsiung, Study on the development of the emergency response system of the freeway network in Taiwan, , Proceeding of international conference on intercity high speed ground transport, Taipei, pp.77-90, , 2005-11-01-
2005Liu, Shih-sien; Chiu, Hsien-ming; 羅孝賢; Luo, Shiaw-shyan; Chang, Sheng-hsiung, Study on the Development of the Emergency Response System of the Freeway Network in Taiwan, , International conference on intercity high speed ground transport, Taipei, Taiwan, , 2005-12-01-
2001劉士仙, 具有模糊資訊隨機擁擠路網之車輛起訖表預測, , 第九屆海峽兩岸都市交通學術研討會,中國呼和浩特,頁140-149, , 2001-08-01-
1998劉士仙; Liu, Shih-sien, A study of stochastic dynamic assignment model with fuzzy measured traffic information, , Proceedings of IFORS'99, , 1999-01-01-
1997劉士仙, 模糊測度在隨機動態運量指派模式上之研究, , 中華民國運輸學會第十三屆學術論文研討會, , 1998-01-01-
1997張勝雄; 羅孝賢; 邱顯明, 機動車輛延車公里統計資料蒐集體系之研究, , 中華民國運輸學會第十三屆學術論文研討會論文集第二冊,頁249-257, , 1998-01-01-
1994張勝雄, 運輸規劃的倫理課題與分析方法之探討, , 中華民國運輸學會第十屆學術論文研討會論文集, , 1995-01-01-