2014Marlon Boarnet; Hsin-Ping Hsu, The gender gap in non-work travel: The relative roles of income earning potential and land use, , Journal of Urban Economics 86, p.111-127, , pp
2014張勝雄; 陳菀蕙; 鍾易詩; 吳繼虹; 周文靜, 機車騎士風險感知學習與訓練內容之建構一以開車門事故為例, , 交通學報=Journal of Traffic Science 15(1), , pp
2014董啟崇; 鄧瑞艷, 交通資訊與路徑選擇:用路者之實驗賽局, , 運輸學刊=Journal of the Chinese Institute of Transportation 27(1), , pp
2014James, J.H. Liou; Chao-Che Hsu; Yun-Shan Chen, Improving transportation service quality based on information fusion, , Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 67, pp.225–239, , pp
2014Chih-Lin Chung; Will W. Recker, Characteristics of speed dispersion and its relationship to fundamental traffic flow parameters, , Transportation Planning and Technology 37(7), pp.581-597, , pp
2013張勝雄; 陳菀蕙; 麥朗澂, 台灣地區酒駕事故特性與防制策略分析, , 都市交通=Urban Traffic 27-28,頁65-77, , pp
2013鍾智林; 簡佑勳, 公共自行車時空分析法之構建與營運策略改善 -以臺北微笑自行車為例, , 都市交通半年刊 29(1), p.1-10, , pp
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2013Hsin-Ping Hsu; Jean-Daniel Saphores, Impacts of parental gender and attitudes on children's school travel mode and parental chauffeuring behavior: results for California based on the 2009 National Household Travel Survey, , Transportation 41(3), p.543-565, , pp
2012賴淑芳; 陳菀蕙; 葉祖宏; 周文靜, 我國道路交通安全願景規劃, , 交通學報=Journal of Traffic Science 12(2),頁137-156, , pp