2020Huai-Wei Lo; Chao-Che Hsu; Bo-Cheng Chen; James J.H. Liou, Building a grey-based multi-criteria decision-making model for offshore wind farm site selection, , Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments,43,100935, , pp
2020林聖超; 張勝雄; 吳恩瑋; 徐偉豪; 李惟翔; 張開國; 黃明正; 倪靖, 「道路交通標誌標線號誌規則」架構之研析, , 交通學報 20(2 ),頁73-100, , pp
2020羅孝賢; 陳菀蕙; 張家瑜; 鄭羽均; 王微雯, 高齡社會友善行人號誌設計之研究, , 運輸學刊 32(3),頁321-342, , pp
2020Wan-Hui, Chen, Older Motorcyclists Not Wearing a Helmet Properly and Drunk Riding: Evidence from a Linked Dataset, , Journal of Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine, , pp
2020Huai-Wei Lo; Chao-Che Hsu; Chun-Nen Huang; James J. H. Liou, An ITARA-TOPSIS Based Integrated Assessment Model to Identify Potential Product and System Risks, , Mathematics 9(3), 239 (17 pages), , pp
2020羅孝賢; 陳菀蕙; 張家瑜; 鄭羽均; 王微雯, 高齡社會友善行人號誌設計之研究, , 運輸學刊 32(3),頁321-342, , pp
2020Jeng-Min Chiou ; Han-Tsung Liou; and Wan-Hui Chen, Modeling Time-Varying Variability and Reliability of Freeway Travel Time Using Functional Principal Component Analysis, , IEEE Transctions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 221(1), p.257-266, , pp
2019張耕碩; 王麒鈞; 高錫鉦; 田珍碕; 邱顯明, 智慧停車管理措施與未來發展方向-以台中市為例, , 都市交通 35(1),頁43-54, , pp
2019Wan-Hui Chen; Chi-Hung Wu; Shiaw-Shyan Luo; Jeng-Min Chiou , Ching Ni, Risk Factors for Traffic Crash Fatalities in Older Motorcyclists: A Study Linking Police Traffic Crash Dataset with Cause of Death Dataset, , International Journal of Gerontology Special Issue, p.68-72, , pp
2019張庚碩; 王麒鈞鈞; 高錫鉦; 田珍琦; 邱顯明, 智慧停車管理措施與未來發展方向以台中市為例, , 都市交通 35(1), p.43-53, , pp